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BIBLIOGRAPHY to the exhibition collection

From „Roller“ to „Flyer“: Early Milestone-Innovations in Postmarking

by Tamas Gudlin

Alcock, R.C. & Holland, F.C.: British Postmarks. A Short History and Guide. R.C. Alcock, Limited 1960.

Allison, David: Gebrauchsanweisung der Pivot-Maschine von Pearson Hill. Poststempelgilde e.V., Gildebrief 241, Soest 2013.

Barlow, Wm. P.: The Boston Post Office and Evolution of Machine Cancellation. Exhibit at INDYPEX 2008.

Biales, Bernard: An English Marking Device at Washington City in 1866. Part I and II. Machine Cancel Society, Machine Cancel Forum 178 and 179, October 1996 and January 1997.

Blake, M.C. & Davis W.W.: Boston Postmarks to 1890. Severn-Wylie-Jewett Co. 1949. Facsimile Reproduktion by Quarterman Publications, Lawrence, Massachusetts 1974.

Bond, Arthur H.: International Machine Cancels 1888 to 1910. The U.S. Cancellation Club, Denver 1974.

Bozarth, Theodore W.: Walter D. Wesson’s „Time on Bottom“ Duplex Hand Cancelers.   La Posta Monograph Series, Volume 5, Lake Oswego, Oregon 1990.

Catalogue specialise des timbres de France, Toma I. (1849-1900). Editions Yvert & Tellier, Amiens Codex 1975

Eis, Henrik: Die Kompaßstempel Dänemarks. Mitteilungsblatt der ForGe  Nordische Staaten 1982.

Garaud, Jean Michel: Catalogue des Empreintes Daguin Chiliennes de 1898 a 1950. Etude Marcophile 2013.

Geslin, Rene: Un Homme Une Machine. 77ans d’Obliterations Daguin. Paris 2010

Gudlin, Tamas: Farbband-Handstempelgeräte in den USA und ihre Verwendung. Poststempelgilde e.V., Gildebrief 241, Soest 2013.

Gudlin, Tamas: Die Kalssohn-Dynastie. Der Stempelhersteller der unabhängigen Ungarischen Postverwaltung. ArGe Ungarn, Jahrbuch 2017.

Hanmer, R. F.: A Collector’s Guide to U.S. Machine Postmarks 1871-1925. D. G. Phillips Publishing Co, INC. 1989.

Heinrich, Thomas: Königreich Württemberg. Stempel der Kreuzerzeit 1851-1875. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Württemberg e.V. im BDPh e.V., 2008

Jürgens, Stephan: Die Stempelmaschine des Enrico Dani. ArGe Briefpostautomation, Rundbrief Nr. 1 / 2010

Kohlhaas, Walter & Riese, Inge: Die Briefstempelmaschinen von Haller & Co. Poststempelgilde e.V., Heft 141, Soest 1995.

Kohlhaas, Walter & Riese, Inge: Die Hoster-Briefstempelmaschinen. Poststempelgilde e.V., Heft 152, Soest 1998.

Kohlhaas, Walter & Riese, Inge: Die Hinrichsen Stempelmaschinen. Poststempelgilde e.V., Band 155, Soest 1994.

Kopp, Dietrich W.: Die Stempelmaschine von Eugene Daguin – eine weltweit genutzte französische Erfindung. Poststempelgilde e.V., Gildebrief 246, Soest Oktober 2015.

Mandel, Frank: The Development of Handstamped Markings in the United States to 1900. U.S. Postmarks and Cancellations. The Philatelic Foundation New York, 1992.

Miller, Jerry H.: The Evolution of the Postmarking Machine in Germany 1866-1920…A Historical Perspective. Machine Cancel Society, Machine Cancel Forum 174, October 1995.

Miller, Jerry H.: The Evolution of Experimental Machine Postmarks Worldwide, 1857-1920s. Machine Cancel Society, Machine Cancel Forum 250, October 2014.

Miller, Jerry H.: From Hill to Bickerdike: The Experimental and Early Machine Postmarks of England 1857-1901. Machine Cancel Society, Machine Cancel Forum 221, July 2007.

Miller, Jerry H.: From Hinrichsen to Krag: The Experimental and Early Machine Postmarks of Germany. German Philatelic Society, Handbook Number 12, Chesterfield 2008.

Morris, Reg. G.: American Machine Cancels. Published by the Author, Crowthorne, Berkshire 1978

Morris, Reg. G.: Frühe deutsche Stempelmaschinen. Archiv für deutsche Postgeschichte, Issues 1 & 2, 1983, Gesellschaft für deutsche Postgeschichte e.V.

Morris, Reg & Payne, Bob.: The Pittsburgh Star and Shield Machine Cancels of Unknown Origin. Machine Cancel Society, Machine Cancel Forum 141, July 1987.

Morris, Reg & Payne, R. J.: The Machines and Postal Markings Attributed to W. Groth and T.S. Constantine. Machine Cancel Society, Warren, Ohio 1989.

Nouaze, Yvon: L’Obliteration Mecanique en France. Federation francaise des associations philateliques, Paris 2007

Olson, K. F. & V. M.: Groth & Constantine. The Postal Historian’s Note Book, Part 1. Loose Leaf Edition, Milwaukee 1974   

Orchard, A. E. & Tobin, R.: The Postal History of Sydney. „Rideout to Toshiba“: The Machines and their Postmarks. Magpie Publications, Sandy Bay Tas, Australia 1988

Payne, Bob: U.S. Classic Machine Cancels 1871-1991, Volume 1. Machine Cancel Society, Warren, Ohio 1995.

Payne, Bob: Letter Stamping Device in America (1863). Machine Cancel Society, Machine Cancel Forum 193, July 2000.

Payne, Bob: Groth-Constantine. Machine Cancel Society, Machine Cancel Forum 2017.

Payne, Robert J.: Thomas Leavitt, His History and Postal Markings 1875-1892. United Postal Stationary Society, Thousand Oaks 1999.

Peach, Jack: Cancelling Machines. Who Made Them and  How They Worked. Volume 1, 1840 to 1900. British Postmark Society, England 2000.

Pipe,Bill: Collect British Postmarks. Stanley Gibbons Ltd. London and Ringwood, 2013

Pothion, Jean: Paris obliterations 1849-1876. La Poste aux Lettres, Paris 1984

Savakis, A. J.: American Machine Cancels. Machine Cancel Society, Machine Cancel Forum 248, April 2014.

Savakis, A. J.: Sorting 19th Century Machine Cancels Used in the United States. Machine Cancel Society, Machine Cancel Forum 251, January 2015.

Schofield, Tim: The Introduktion of the Hinrichsen Machine into Great Britain by J.C. Azemar.  Machine Cancel Society, Machine Cancel Forum 219, January 2007.

Schofield, Tim: Great Britain Hand Operated Machines. Poststempelgilde e.V., Gildebrief 241, Soest 2013.

Seelemann, Claus: Chronik der Mechanisierung und Automatisierung der Briefpost-bearbeitung in Australien 1867 bis 2010. Band 1: 1867 bis 1969. ArGe Briefpost-automation 2010

Skinner, Hubert C.: The Cancellations and Postmarks of New York City 1845-1876, their Usage and their Postal History, U.S. Postmarks and Cancellations. The Philatelic Foundation New York, 1992.

Small, R. E.: Introduction to the Machine Cancels of Austria and Czechoslovakia. Machine Cancel Society, Machine Cancel Forum 194, October 2000.

Spalink, Friedrich: Die Deutschen Hufeisenstempel. Peter Feuser Verlag, Stuttgart 1992.

Stitt Dibden, W. G.: Early Stamp Machines. The Postal History Society, Special Series No.17, England 1964.

Stutz, Reinhard & Rutherfoord, Michael: „Güller“ und die Geschichte der Schweizer Handstempel mit Datum. 2004

Witkowski, Jürgen: Frühe deutsche Briefstempelmaschinen. Heft der ArGe Krone-Adler, 2010

Zietlow, Erhard: The Early & Experimental Machine Postmarks of England from Hill to Wilkinson 1857-1912. Forschungsgemeinschaft Großbritannien e.V., Conserved Heritage Volume I, Düsseldorf 2010.

Youngblood, Wayne: Time on Bottom (TOB) – Pursuit of a Subtle Pleasure. American Philatelist, October 2011

Article without author:

Michel Stempel-Handbuch III. Teil, Die Klaucke Stempel. Schwaneberger Verlag München, 1987

New Letter Stamping Machine. Scientific American New York, Vol. LXII. No. 4, January 1890

Letter Canceling Machines at the New York Post Office. Scientific American New York, Vol. LXXIV. No. 16, April 1896

The History of Stamping.

The History of Rubber Stamps.